Şelale Oral and Dental Health Clinic, Manavgat Dentist, Dental Hospital, Manavgat Teeth, Şelale Teeth, Cosmetic Dentistry, Zirconium, İmplant, Teeth whitening, Dentist
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Implants, artificial tooth roots inserted into the jaw bone in order to restore their function and aesthetics instead of teeth lost due to various reasons.

Missing of single or more teeth

The treatment of single missing tooth by implants is more protective than restorating by  bridge, With implants be placed in the space of the missing tooth or teeth, the treatment can be applied without any processing on adjacent teeth.

Total Teeth Loss:

In cases  with no teeth in the mouth due to nausea reflex and the lack of removable denture?s  retention , implant supported dentures are more comfortable fort he patients.

Implants can be applied to everyone except people with systemic diseases such as uncontrolled severe diabetes.Implants can not cause any allergic and toxic disorders because they are made from titanium and tissue compatible.

Examination and Planning

At the examination stage, a detailed examination of the mouth and gums inside, upper and lower jaw and teeth is done about  conditions such as relations with each other. In  complicated cases the place of implants is planned  on three-dimensional tomography  to minimize mistakes. Planning and management will be done after this planning is discussed in detail with the patient.

Placing of implants:

For a good treatment, proper planning is undoubtedly a top priority. Professional, experienced team, adequate equipment and  all sterilization conditions in an environment  is undoubtedly very important. Implants are applied with local anesthesia as most other dental treatments.

Making the Dentures:

After surgery, a period called osseointegration is expected for  connection of the implant and  the bone surface. This period depends on the structure of bone. Dentures are  made after this period is completed.

Deciduous teeth, due to differences in structure than the permanent teeth are more prone to decay. 

Dental caries occur in deciduous teeth due to factors such as long stay of sugary, acidic foods and drinks on the tooth surface, children?s  disability for  oral hygiene and unhealthy diet.

  • Children should brush their teeth under the supervision of their parents after breakfast and in the evening before going to bed.
  • Sugary foods, fizzy drinks is the biggest enemy of teeth. Such foods should be consumed as little as possible. If it will be not possible to brush teeth at least  some
  • In children with high risk of caries formation , with fluoride therapy  the tooth structure is strengthened. Also sealants are applied to the tooth  to prevent caries.
  • Children should be introduced to the dentist at age 1, a control examination should be performed every 6 months.
  • Eating habits should be regulated. Junk food should be avoided as much as possible between meals.

Deciduous Teeth

Central and lateral incisors: 6-12 months

1.Molars : 12-18 months

2.Molars : 18-24 months

Canines : 24-30 months

Permanent Teeth

            1. Molars : 6 years

Central Incisors : 6-7 years

Lateral Incisors : 7-8 years

Upper canines : 12-13 years

Lower canines : 9-10 years

1. Premolars : 9-10 years

2. Premolars : 11-12 years

2. Molars : 12-13 years

3. Molars ( Wisdom teeth) : 18-24 years

During children's teeth eruption  pain, fever, diarrhea, increased saliva, tooth scratching and loss of appetite can occur.

As a result of various traumas such as fall, crash, traffic accidents, sports injuries , teeth or soft tissue damage may occur.

In such cases, part of the broken tooth or all of the  tooth should be stored in milk , saliva or serum without  touching the tooth?s root. The dentist should be consulted as soon as possible.. 

After eruption of deciduous teeth , they  fulfill certain tasks until they fall out. In the presence of caries in deciduous teeth , the pain will be a trouble for the child. On the other hand, the aesthetic appearance of teeth, will particularly affect the children psychologically. Another important case ; the permanent tooth under the deciduous tooth can be affected because of the infection. 

A soft brush is suitable for children which is manufactured according to the size of the mouth. The children generally swallow toothpaste when they brush their teeth. To counteract this, using toothpaste  is not recommended  for children younger than three years. For the children over 3 years, the toothpastes with low fluoride content can be used.

The aim of aesthetic dentistry; is to create artificial teeth which have a natural-looking  in the form and color and compatible with a person's face. Artificial teeth away from naturalness, in exaggerated form and color, can be recognized immediately even by an amateur eye. Therefore, aesthetic dentistry requires a careful preparation and planning phase.

Clinical and Radiographic Examination:

Before aesthetic treatment made , a general oral examination should be done  to assess the oral and dental health. X-rays of the patient's entire mouth (panoramic X-rays) taken to decide how to follow a path.


By having impressions from both  the upper and lower jaw a model of the teeth and the surrounding tissue are obtained. Assessment is made on the model.


Face, laughter, profile and intraoral images are obtained by taking pictures from every angle.


The problems of the teeth and gums are evaluated considering all facial aesthetics by using the photos taken from patients and  models, During this evaluation, the regions which is problematic are shown to the patients on their photographs and models, information is given about how to solve the problems and the treatment  is the planned about patient's aesthetic arrangement.

If  a comprehensive aesthetic treatment is needed for the elimination of existing problems, consultations should be done with periodontist and orthodontist. According to the expectations of the patient; a  new smile is designed according to the structure of the face and lips. Smile designed from the model created in the laboratory by oral impressions are shown to patients. In this way, patients can see the first situations and results obtained after the treatment of people who have experienced similar problems.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery contains the extraction of impacted teeth in the mouth , dental implants , the sinus lifting operations, removal of  soft tissues , tumors and cystic structures that occurs due to teeth and revisions of the hard and soft tissues of mouth to help to the making of dentures. It also performs jaw fractures and root tip resection operations.

Decays:  Because of the positions of wisdom teeth  they can not be regularly cleaned and easily get decays. Due to the anatomical structure of the wisdom teeth , root canal treatment can not be done and  these teeth are pulled.

Displacement of other teeth: The pressure during the eruption of wisdom teeth  causes displacement on  other teeth. Also the leaning position of the wisdom teeth cause bacterial accumulation and decays on the adjacent tooth.

Pericoronitis ( inflammation of the surrounding gum):  In case of partially erupted wisdom teeth ,  the accumulation of bacteria between tooth and gum can  develop an infection. Meanwhile, facial swelling, difficulty when opening the mouth, pain, halitosis, swelling in the lymph glands and fever may be seen.

Cheek Biting:  According to the wrong position of wisdom teeth , biting the cheek and mucosal injury can be seen. In such cases it is appropriate to pull the wisdom  teeth that  are not in normal function.

Cyst formation: In some patients, fully or partially eruption of wisdom teeth may lead to the formation of cysts.

Apical resection is the surgical removal of the inflamed tissue at the tip of the root when the root canal treatment is unsuccessful. Many front teeth can remain in the mouth for many years by this method.

When a long time passes after the extraction of the posterior teeth , the bone gets thinner and the sinüs volume increases. In such cases, implant placement would be difficult because of the bone thickness . To increase the bone level sinus membrane is lifted by a simple surgical procedure and bone graft is placed between the bone and the sinus membrane. Thus , sufficient bone level for implant is obtained.

Our teeth have a major role in the chewing function. Years do  damage in other parts of our body also cause losses on our teeth. Loss of teeth occurred, resolved with different types of prosthesis according to the number of missing teeth.

Fixed dentures  are anchored on adjacent teeth and  perceived as the patient's own tooth or teeth.


Damage occurred in the teeth because of caries or trauma can causes the loss of a large portion of the tooth and causes weakening of the tooth in some cases.In such cases filling will be not enough. To strengthen the tooth for durability, it must be covered with ceramic or metal-ceramic restorations. This covering which gives the shape , color ,and funtion back to teeth named crown.



Bridge construction is one of the methods used for the replacement of tooth loss. Missing tooth or teeth are  tried to be restored by making  bridges with  the support of adjacent teeth. Therefore  the adjacent teeth must be prepared to a certain extent. 

Removable dentures are often used in the completion of missing teeth. They are applied in cases when number of missing teeth can not compensated by a  fixed denture. The denture made if  some of the teeth are missing is called  partial dentures. If the patient has no teeth on a jaw the denture called total denture.

If you have removable dentures, it is important to keep them clean. Cleaning the removable dentures is easier than cleaning natural teeth.

Daily scrub with a brush of medium hardness. Remove the dentures and put them into a container filled with water.In this way you maintain the soft tissues can  contact with saliva.

Implants is a method used to complete the missing teeth. Some part of the implant is placed in the jaw bone so the patients feel the implant like their natural  teeth.

After the integration of bone and the implant , Fixed or removable dentures can be made on the implants.

Periodontology is a major science which is involved surrounding tissues of teeth, inflammatory diseases, and the treatments of these.

Periodontitis; an inflammatory disease characterized by the destruction of the tissues supporting the teeth. Gingival inflammation is progressed to alveolar bone. Major cause of periodontitis is the bacterial plaque and it can be treated mechanically. However, genetic, environmental and systemic factors can affect the development of the disease.

The first sign of periodontal disease which has  the common occurrence in the community, is bleeding gums. Gum is red gums, swollen and has bright surface. Often, halitosis, itching in the gums, bleeding feeling and tenderness teeth accompanied by these symptoms.

Mostly  the disease can progress without symptoms because  the patient does not have a complaint like  pain. When the patient has a complaint , non-carious tooth is lost due to swinging and losses  of supporting tissue.

The main goal of periodontal treatment is to keep unhealthy teeth in the mouth which appear to be hopeless. Various treatment methods are applied according to the severity of disease. These can be summarized simply as oral hygiene education, tartar cleaning, root planing, regenerative , reconstructive and mucogingival operations.

Periodontal treatment has the highest rates of patient satisfaction if the treatment is done due to early diagnosis. It should be noted that no restorative treatment can be applicable to periodontally unhealthy teeth.

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